Ergonomic Tips

In a time where millions are locked down in their homes, forced to cope with the symptoms that are associated with such unprecedented times, a lot of shifts in one’s day-to-day life are likely to occur.

One of those shifts is the work-from-home phenomenon. While many are without work, those that have remained employed are now faced with new challenges; from less-than-ideal working conditions to loneliness and relationship turmoil. In short, working from home has its pros and cons.

Here are some helpful tips to improve your current, less-than-ideal, at-home workstation.

If you want to unlock those tight hips, fix that poor posture you’ve developed and ultimately find a more comfortable, ergonomic set-up keep reading!

PROP up your posture

If you work on a laptop, you’re likely hunched over 90% of the time. Here’s how to fix it. Invest in an external keyboard & mouse and make sure your monitor is at eye level (use books, a shoe box or monitor stand). This will, in essence, atomically shift your slouched over posture to a more upright and natural position.

Bonus tip: Adjust your desk to an appropriate height to accommodate for wrist health (arms bent at 90 decrees).

BREAK up the day

While you may not think that this is an ergonomic tip, it is! By taking numerous breaks throughout the day, you inherently move more, circulate blood flow and keep your body and mind in balance for the duration of your work day.

Bonus tip: Constantly drink water throughout the day. Not only will this keep you hydrated, but it will force you to get out of your chair more often for bathroom breaks!

DARE to “Deskercise”

You heard that correctly! While you may be sitting in a chair all day, that doesn’t mean you can’t exercise! Do some research on the best stretches and mini exercises you can do straight from you chair!

Bonus tip: Consider investing in a more ergonomic, comfortable chair and be sure to keep your feet flat on the floor.

There are a million and one ergonomic tips that could be mentioned, but you’d be here reading  all day! So below is a list of additional tips that you can keep in mind for future reference:

  • Have your monitor placed in front of you, not off to one side
  • Sit tall with good posture
  • Invest in good lighting to avoid eye strain
  • Don’t work from your couch
  • Don’t overwork yourself; just because you’re home doesn’t mean you need to work more!
  • Every 20 minutes, get up and take a 2–5-minute active break
  • Get some air!

To help your body stay in balance and function at its best as you work from home, consider regular Chiropractic checkups. Book your first visit here.